I have been extremely bored lately.
Everyone is getting older, more independent, and believe it or not...more helpful.
(Even the puppy).
Don't get me wrong...My to-do list is still overflowing with the mundane, everyday, constant tasks of taking care of my home and family.
With that said, I have decided to start pushing myself to try new (to me) things and activities.
This week, I decided to mow the grass.
A's response to this decision was, "You are GOING TO DO WHAT?"
He even put down the Wii remote to watch.
I am certain that the subdivision was all a buzz because everyone seemed to glance towards our yard and smile.
I know you are curious...I did it!
I mowed our 1/4 of an acre and kept thinking to myself, "Who's idea was it to plant of all this junk everywhere?"
(I know my sweet Scotty loves me!)
There were a few minor bumps along the way, and I did yell, "Bring the woman who birthed you a glass of Gatorade before she perishes."
It was nice to accomplish a task and know that there will not be a small child behind me to undo all of my hard work.
So...it is done until next Saturday.
Scott wrote about it on our family blog.
What new thing are you considering trying?
On another note, thanks for all the loving comments on my last post. I treasure each one of you!