Friday, November 19, 2010

Bandana Dress/Shirt

O had Western Day at her school a few weeks ago.
This darling is a true cowgirl stuck in a city girl's world.
I decided to try my hand at making her a bandana shirt.

Super EASY and a hit!
(Hobby Lobby has an entire aisle of bandanas. I have my eye on the hot pink and black zebra print!)

Monday, October 11, 2010

The "S" Family

I love this family!
They are a true blessing from above.

Monday, August 2, 2010

A Simple Lunch

This past week, I was given a life-changing opportunity to serve at a beautiful Kid's Camp in the Lake of the Ozarks (approximately 440 children were in attendance).

My job for the week was overseeing the garbage cans in an attempt to save all utensils, cups, and trays. I was also responsible for launching the bags of slop (for lack of a better word) over a balcony in hopes that they would land safe and sound in a dumpster located several feet below.

(I did miss once, and it wasn't pretty.)

I watched how a variety of people responded so differently to simply serving God's precious.

Needless to say, I have been contemplating "serving" ever since. God's command is for me to serve ALL those I come in contact with, including the 3 precious gifts that live in my own home (my dog and cat are NOT included in this number). I sometimes lose sight of this command and am often guilty of indifference and halfheartedness.

As I contemplated this realization, a woman...a mother...was brought to my mind. A mother who simply served her beloved son by packing him a simple lunch of 5 loaves and 2 fish which Jesus blessed and used to feed thousands.

(She isn't actually mentioned in the Bible, but in my mind's eye, there had to be an organized, loving mother involved.)

In her mind, she was simply serving her child without thought of recognition or praise. Jesus used that mother's servant hood to perform a great miracle.

We may never be recognized or even acknowledged for serving on this Earth, but we will never know how God uses our simply acts of servant hood and sacrifice to touch the lives of thousands.

Dear Heavenly Father,

I ask that you will teach me what it means to be a true servant. Help me to never lose sight of the importance of serving my family, friends, and strangers. Help me prepare A and O for all that you have planned for them.

Sunday, August 1, 2010


I decided that Sweet Scotty and I would learn how to can this summer.
Yep...zucchini relish and bread & butter pickles.
This has been a true learning experience and a new adventure.Of course, I insisted upon wearing a vintage apron.
Have you tried anything new this summer?

Saturday, July 31, 2010

My Deana

My dear friend asked me to take a few photos to document her lose weight and conquer her "issues".
I have known Deana for less than a year, and she has truly inspired and loved me when I so desperately needed it.
Here are photos of this Beautiful (with a capial B) woman in the middle of her journey.
She has lost 47+ pounds in 3 months.Deana blogs about her life at Deana's Daily Dose.
Warning: she is HONEST, transparent, and (in her own words) unfiltered.
Thanks for being a part of my life Deana!
Please don't kill me for posting these photos...just know that I wanted to post more!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Before Skipper, I...

-screamed less.
-vacuumed A LOT less.
-danced less.
-giggled less.
-stepped on soggy, half-chewed raw hides less.
-used a lent brush less.
-researched the life expectancy of mutts less.
-spent less $$$.
-loved less.
-saw the lights in my children's eyes less.Happy Friday!

Monday, June 28, 2010

I have been extremely bored lately.

Everyone is getting older, more independent, and believe it or not...more helpful.

(Even the puppy).

Don't get me wrong...My to-do list is still overflowing with the mundane, everyday, constant tasks of taking care of my home and family.

With that said, I have decided to start pushing myself to try new (to me) things and activities.

This week, I decided to mow the grass.

A's response to this decision was, "You are GOING TO DO WHAT?"

He even put down the Wii remote to watch.

I am certain that the subdivision was all a buzz because everyone seemed to glance towards our yard and smile. I know you are curious...I did it!

I mowed our 1/4 of an acre and kept thinking to myself, "Who's idea was it to plant of all this junk everywhere?"

(I know my sweet Scotty loves me!)

There were a few minor bumps along the way, and I did yell, "Bring the woman who birthed you a glass of Gatorade before she perishes."

Our grass is mowed, and it looks lovely (well, kind-of like a preschooler mowed it, but that really isn't the point).

It was nice to accomplish a task and know that there will not be a small child behind me to undo all of my hard work. is done until next Saturday.

Scott wrote about it on our family blog.

What new thing are you considering trying?

On another note, thanks for all the loving comments on my last post. I treasure each one of you!

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


I am going to be transparent...really transparent...for a moment or 2.

Consider yourself warned!

I have been in a FUNK. Maybe, I should call it a mild depression or minor life crisis.

(Don't worry. I have spoken with my physician.)

Sharing my struggles with other women has allowed me to realize that Satan uses the same lies to distract the majority (if not all) of us women.

Here are a few lies that have been haunting me for far too long:

-I am unlovable.

-I am bound to fail.

-I am an awful mother.

-I don't have any friends.

-I talk too much.

-I don't say enough.

-I am not good at anything.

-My appearance needs work.

Crazy? Of course.

Yesterday, I overheard one of my favorite women say,

"If only I were good, really good, at one thing!"

I could have instantly created a lengthy list detailing the traits/talents that I admire about her.

With all of that said, I am not posting this to receive encouragement or affirmation of any kind.

I just want you to know that you are not alone.

God has a different, perfect plan for each one of us.

He loves us...imperfections, shortcomings, and all.

Please don't believe the lies!

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Hopefully...Spring Shower

We thoroughly enjoyed the warm, spring-like weather that we experienced this weekend.
It was exactly what I desperately needed.
We spent a great deal of time outside.
We weren't even disappointed with the quick cool shower that we experienced Sunday afternoon.

I didn't get the Easter photos taken, but the photographer in me was happy to capture these precious shots of my sweeties singing in the rain.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Tea Party for Two

Have any of you noticed that I have been really quiet lately?
Well, I have been trying to refocus, catch-up, and prioritize.
I must admit that this crazy blog was taking a lot of my time and attention.
Time and attention that I want directly focused on my precious, sweet children.
With that said...I plan to keep crafting, thrifting, and writing. However, it will probably be less often.
This morning I woke up and decided that the H gals needed to have a fancy tea party.
And...a fancy tea party we had....I really enjoyed watching her try to figure out how to use this contraption.

Yep...this is how I want to spend the majority of my time!
Now, we just need more fancy tea cups!
We will be having a lot of tea parties in the near future.
Would you like to come to a tea party hosted by the sweetheart O?
What memory did you create today!

Monday, February 15, 2010

My Valentine Surprise

I am quite the sentimental gal...surprising?
I have not been able to part with the baby bed that held my sweeties every night for each of their first few years.

I had no idea what we were going to do with it until I stumbled across My Repurposed Life and this baby bed turned bench tutorial.

Several months ago, I mentioned this idea to my sweet Scotty.

This was waiting for me when I returned from my girl's night out Saturday night!Now, I just need to decide what color to paint it, and the perfect place for it in our home.

Here are my sweeties all growing up!
Of course, a seven month old puppy couldn't resist an opportunity to smooch his favorite 2 humans!

What a perfect Valentine's Day surprise!
I am so blessed!

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Homemade Valentines ...Take 2

Guess who spent over an hour making Valentines today?
You guessed creative darlings!
She couldn't possibly be more proud.

Heart-felt and absolutely, perfectly adorable!
Lesson learned...don't take the creativity out of the kiddo.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Where is the Money?

Do you ever ask yourself, "Where does all of my money go?"

I had an eye opening experience this week when A decided to take 100 Hot Wheels to school to celebrate 100th day.

Yep....he has over 100 Hot Wheels, and he never even plays with them.

Those dollars really add up!

How are you spending your one dollar bills?

By the way, I am going to blame the grandparents for this extravagant amount of Hot Wheels!

Saturday, February 6, 2010

My Newest Dancing Partner

So by now most of you know that I have spent most of my life as a dog dis-liker.
However, this sweetie has truly stolen my heart.
Who can resist a dancing puppy at the end of a long day?
Dancing with me is one of his favorite things.
Don't tell anyone, but it is one of my favorite things too!
Yep...he only likes to dance with me!
And, boy do we boogie!
The counters are a mess...there are dishes to put away...but who could resist a face like that!
What makes you smile at the end of a long day?

Tuesday, February 2, 2010


I apologize to all of you who visit to see a thrifty find or craft project. I have been heart-broken and sick for the past week, and my craft closet has remained untouched. Hopefully, I will have a fun "crafty" post on Friday. I have something up my sleeve. However, I also have a MESSY house, floors that are covered in dog hair, kiddos who need books read, and a hubby who needs a well deserved break!
I have always valued the importance of transparency, but the tragedy that occurred within the family of my dear friends has given me the desire to become even more transparent.
Our pastor (aka PS) has been sharing a series called, "REFRESH!"
I have spent the past few days in bed reflecting on the desperate need for a refreshing in my life and relationships.
TRANSPARENT: Our marriage needs a refreshing!
Maintaining a healthy marriage is such a hard task with the demands of jobs, parenting, finances, and sometimes even church responsibilities. PS said something to the effect...the marriage of your dreams takes commitment, hard work, and sacrifices. (Yuck!)
I have vowed to stop focusing on my sweet Scotty's short-comings (I is difficult for some of you to believe that he has any!) and REMEMBER the countless reasons why I love him.
Scott's plate has been overflowing the past week. To top everything off, I have been sick. He has sacrificed so much of himself without complaining to pick up my slack.
This afternoon, O entered my classroom proudly displaying the note that she found in her lunch box. She said, "Fanks for the note momma!"
I just smiled because that special note was written by her dad!
What a guy!
This note was found in A's lunch box!
Isn't he a cutie!
I hope that my transparency encourages you to find "FRESH" love and appreciation for the ones that you treasure!

Monday, January 25, 2010

O's Pet Adoption Birthday Party

The Invitation ($2.40 for postage):

O's Birthday Pet Adoption
Come ready to adopt a stuffed animal that is in need of a loving home!
January 23 from 1:00-2:30
H Animal Shelter
RSVP Michelle , shelter director

One of the moms actually thought that we ran an animal shelter.
She was a little hesitant about coming.
Little does she know....I am a newly conformed dog dis-liker.
Sweet O sporting her face painting!
At the end of the summer, I stumbled across the garage sale of a former beanie baby collector.
I purchased 12 dog and cat beanie babies for $3.00.
Scotty and I hid the animals all over the house.
I started the party by telling the ladies and gentleman that I received a call informing me that there were many homeless animals hiding around the shelter.
Once the animals were safe in the shelter, the children were allowed to adopt the pet of their choice.
They then took their animals to see the veterinarian and to the Pet Salon.
At the Salon, the animals were bathed and received bows and/or bandannas. ($.87)
The children then helped me fill out their adoption certificates.
I purchased mailboxes from Target's Dollar Spot to use as dog houses. ($6.00)
The children used animal stickers to decorate the dog houses. ($2.87)
They also made a dog/cat collar using pony beads and a scrapbook tag. ($5.27- I could probably make 20 more with the supplies.) The newest member of our family sporting her pink bandanna, bow, and collar.
Scott set up an obstacle course that the children had to complete on their hands and knees. ($0)
We also held a relay race that involved scoops and dog food. ($2.00)
It was REALLY messy, but a lot of fun!
We ended the party with cat cupcakes, ice cream, and presents. ($9.98)

Each child took home her/his new pet, accessories, dog house, Scooby Doo cookies, and a candy necklace. ($7.00)

I also purchased napkins and balloons. ($3.38)

It was a fun, exciting, and inexpensive way to celebrate.
Total Spent: $42.77

I hope that you find an idea that might work for your party planning.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Kitty Cupcakes

We spent last week planning O's 4th b-day party!
We had so much fun, and I will share some of the details on Monday.
Of course every good party has a theme.
Our theme was O's Pet Adoption.
We needed 'creative cat' cupcakes.
I found my inspiration here.
However, we did make ours!O did all of the fun decorating...I just supervised and bit my tongue.
I think that they are full of personality just like my sweetheart!
I learned later that one of the moms is a professional cake decorator.
Yikes....I can only imagine what she was thinking.....

Monday, January 11, 2010

....Like Cats and Dogs

Let me start by saying that these 2 have nothing on ....... these 2!
This is sibling rivalry at its finest!
I know what you are thinking....
that poor little kitty cat!
Well, he does weigh 20+ pounds, and....
He ALWAYS wins!
The joys of being a family, and fighting like cats and dogs!
I encourage you to be a peacemaker today!
Happy Monday!