Hitting a few garage sales was a family affair this morning. Yep....the kids were miserable. However, they did find a few "free" boxes. That brightened their day a little! They kept saying, "Can you believe that this was FREE?" Anyhoo....I found a lot of great deals!
This birdcage was $1. I am going to spray paint it black. I might just have to experiment with chalkboard paint. I think that it could make for a cute way to wrap a gift!
I paid $1 for this white metal bowl. I just love the way that these look on my wall. This one will soon join the collection.
This antique glass jar was $2. LOVE it!
These 6 aprons have now joined my apron collection. Six old aprons for $1....
Well, I bought a few more things, but these were my favorites.
I can't think of a better way to spend my Saturday morning....kiddos in the backseat, chocolate donuts, great deals, and a cool/cold fall morning. It was DELIGHTFUL!
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