My honey and I desire for our children to have a healthy relationship with money. We believe that it is an important gift that will last a lifetime. We have been allowing A and O to work for an allowance for over a year now. Scott made these GIVE, SAVE, and SPEND jars with them.
We were recently introduced to Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace Jr. It takes what we were already doing and tweaks it into such a life-changing learning experience. Our children now earn a "commission" as opposed to an allowance. They have chores that they do just because they are part of our family, and then there are ways that they can earn money. He still teaches dividing their earnings into 3 distict categories.
This is such an awesome tool for parents who desire for their children to ALWAYS live in financial peace!
God commands us to be good stewards of ALL that He has given us! What an exciting and thought provoking challenge!
God commands us to be good stewards of ALL that He has given us! What an exciting and thought provoking challenge!
The program is great. As parents, we must teach our children how to handle money properly. Unfortunately, our educational system fails to educate on this topic and media promotes a life full of materialistic goods and det. I’m confident that A and O will both grow up understanding that they can earn money with hard work, but they can keep and grow money with a little additional work.