Sunday, August 30, 2009
Linen Closet
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Friday, August 28, 2009
Dollars to Disney Update-Week 2
Thursday, August 27, 2009
The New Stage
He was so very brave today, and he LOVED kindergarten!
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Fall Family Photo Sessions
Ministering to Our Children's Teachers
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Saturday, we visited a state park, and we had the opportunity to climb on enormous rocks. I would like to tell you that I fell off of one, and pulled a muscle in my back.
Instead, I have to explain to you that while walking down a perfectly straight trail, I tripped and pulled that muscle. I managed to make it through Sunday, but I spent Monday on the couch.
Did I mention that I had to start my first job in 6 years today?
I woke up this morning, and I was still in excruciating pain. I had no idea how I was going to be able to spend over 4 hours sitting in an uncomfortable chair.
As I was driving, the local Christian radio DJ read a verse out of the Bible. He talked about how when we are doing exactly what God wants us to do obstacles come. The details are really sketchy in my mind.
I said this prayer; "God I believe that I am exactly where you want me to be. You are going to have to show up and help me through this day."
When I stopped to put gas in my car, I realized that I was pain-free. God healed me! I was able to sit through that meeting today pain-free.
I believe that Satan tries to distract us when we are on the course that God has for us.
Is Satan trying to distract you today?
I am rejoicing in the fact that God is bigger than all of that liar's distractions!
Monday, August 24, 2009
Shout Out Tuesday
Grandma B
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Friday, August 21, 2009
Dollars to Disney Update
-Coupon for Plaza Tire oil change=9.99
-Decided not to rent a movie=$2.99
-Purchased dry erase markers at Wal-Mart for $3.81. Found brand new set at a garage sale for $1. Savings=2.81
-Grocery coupons=$29
-Free Whopper=$2.99
-Free 11x14 photo at Walgreens=$9.99
-45 4x6 prints from Walgreens for $0.25. Savings=$8.30
$1933.92 in 358 days
Risky Business
Thursday, August 20, 2009
The Tomb
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
The vines are still covered with green balls and blooms.
Every good pumpkin farmer needs a good pair of Crocs to wear with socks.
When I took this photo, he said, "I KNEW that you were going to take a photo so that you can make fun of me on your blog!"
What can I say....he knows me well!
Now, we have to figure out what to do with all of these "punkins."
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
The 1 Thing That My Dad Can't Do
And to show off.....he built this extravagant playhouse for A and O.
Friday, August 14, 2009
Heart Check
Thursday, August 13, 2009
The Underwear Band
I walk into the living room, and this is what I see.
What can I say, monkey see....monkey do!
I am a little concerned about what "bands" my sweetie is letting them listen to when I am not home!
This, my friends, will one day be used as bribery!
School Supplies
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Black Bean Brownies
This little gal will eat nothing that resembles a vegetable/bean, and she watched me make them. So....she is the true test!