Friday, August 14, 2009

Heart Check

I was reading a blog the other day, and the mother shared this idea. I thought that it was awesome. I talked to A and O about their hearts. We discussed who can see our hearts. I then asked them what their hearts might look like when they are obeying God, and what their hearts look like when they are not. I then gave them circumstances, and asked them if their heart would look clean or dirty. I then drew 2 hearts on a piece of paper. They were asked to decorate one to portray a happy, obedient heart and one heart to portray an angry, disobedient heart.

This is O's drawing!

This is A's drawing. Notice that the grass is brown, the sun is dark, the chocolate factory is closed, etc.

This is mine. I did have a little help from O.

Throughout the day, I would say, "Heart check!" They would then describe what they thought their heart looked like to God at that moment.

It was such a great idea that I wanted to pass it on.

Thanks Scrapin' with Jess!

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